its our regular antisuperstition school programme. this time we are in CHHATNA GIRLS HOGH SCHOOL of BANKURA DISTRICT in INDIA. we are disclosing the miracle behind FIRE WALKING.
in india , many godmen walk on fire and they said it is miracle. So, in our anti superstition programme we disclose this miracle by walking. At first we disclose the science behind it and walk on fire, then we invites the villagers. they walk with us and this process they know that nothing is miracle in case of fire walking. But in school premises sometimes it is impossible to arrange the space of fire walking. So we depends up on this stick. We are describing the fact and demo is a fired stick. IF THE FIRE TOUCHED OUR SKIN FOR A SMALL MOMENT ( LESS THEN 1/3 SECOND) THEN OUR SKIN NEVER BURNED......